Say Goodbye to Your Unwelcome Guests

Arrange for bed bug treatment services in Gunnison, Salt Lake City, Tooele & Delta, UT or beyond

Do you want to make your bed bugs, dead bugs? Sentinel Pest Services offers bed bug treatment services to property owners in Gunnison, Salt Lake City, Tooele & Delta, UT and surrounding areas. We'll use an effective chemical treatment on your couches, beds, dressers and light fixtures to eliminate any bed bugs. Then, we'll complete a follow up inspection after 10 days to make sure no further bed bugs are overstaying their welcome.

Schedule bed bug control services by contacting us today.

Signs you need bed bug treatment services

Signs you need bed bug treatment services

You should arrange for bed bug control services if:

  • You find small brown or black stains on your bedding or pillows
  • You're starting to develop red welts on your skin
  • You see bed bug shells on your sheets
  • You notice a foul odor coming from your sheets
Discuss your bed bug treatment options with a professional. Call us at 435-610-9566 now to learn more.